Manuscript submission

Please refer to Instructions to Authors before submitting your manuscript. The BJVP has Word file templates for Original full papers, Short communications, and Case reports.

The files should be in ZIP or DOC format and have a maximum of 64MB
* If your file is too large, it may take several minutes. Wait for the success message!

    Corresponding author name (required)

    Corresponding author email (required)

    Article title (required)

    Category (required)

    Cover letter (required)
    In the cover letter, authors must state that: (i) the manuscript is not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere, (ii) that all coauthors merit co-authorship, and that they all agree with the contents of the manuscript and with the order they are listed as coauthors. The cover letter should also describe the relevance, originality, and scientific contribution of the manuscript.

    Statements (required)

    Manuscript file (DOC or DOCX) (required)
    Maximum filesize: 2MB

    Manuscript images file (ZIP or RAR)
    Maximum filesize: 64MB