Editorial Policies



Opinions statements expressed in the BJVP reflect the viewpoints of the contributors and do not represent official policy of the Brazilian Association of Veterinary Pathology, unless so stated.
Submission of a manuscript to BJVP implies that the manuscript is original, has not been published before, and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. Submission also implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content, and all authors agreed to the BJVP’s policies.


Open Access statement and copyright

BJVP is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. From 2008 to 2023, the copyright of articles published by BJVP was transferred to the journal. Actually, BJVP adopts the Creative Commons license attribution-type BY (learn more about this license). Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.


Peer review

BJVP conducts a single anonymized review process for impartial decisions. The Editor will initially assess all contributions for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are then typically sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to evaluate the paper’s scientific quality. The Editor is responsible for the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of articles.


Reviewer ethics and responsibilities

All assigned reviewers are expected to follow the following ethics and responsibilities during the review process:
1. Confidentiality: Reviewers are expected to maintain confidentiality about the manuscript and their identities to the authors or to other colleagues. Reviewers should not use the knowledge or idea obtained from the manuscript for any purpose unrelated to the review process before the manuscript is published.
2. Integrity: Reviewer’s comments and recommendations are expected to be based solely on the manuscript’s originality, quality, and scientific merits, and not include any personal or professional biases. Any concern about plagiarism, fraud, duplicate publication or unethical conduct should be reported to the editor.
3. Conflicts of Interest: Reviewers are expected to declare any conflict of interest (scientific, personal or financial) that may arise for reviewing the manuscript.


Ethics approval and informed consent

Experimental studies must have been previously approved by an Institutional Committee for Animal Use, following guidelines compatible with local and Brazilian legislation. A statement confirming approval by an institutional committee and its corresponding reference number must be included in the Materials and Methods section. Experimental studies using animals owned by the client must have a statement of informed consent from the client or owner, in addition to ethical approval.

In studies involving human participants, BJVP supports the policies for the registration of clinical assays of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the registration and international dissemination of information on clinical assays. Therefore, only be accepted for publication from 2007, the clinical research articles that have received an identification number in one of the clinical assays registries validated by the criteria established by WHO and ICMJE, whose addresses are available on the site ICMJS. The number of identification should be provided at the end of the abstract. Authors must also include a statement on informed consent to participate in the study.


Declaration of conflict of interest

Authors must declare in the manuscript any competing financial and/or non-financial interests concerning the work described. Potential conflicts of interest include funding for research or personal support, employment, consultancies, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications or registrations, and other personal financial interests. Authors must indicate the Conflict of Interest in the manuscript.



Plagiarism is an unacceptable practice. All accepted manuscripts undergo a plagiarism check process using the Cross Check Program before publication.


Generative artificial intelligence (AI) usage policies

BJVP does not allow the indiscriminate use of generative AI tools in articles. AI tools can be used for data extraction and analysis as part of research, but this use must be detailed in the methodology presented in the manuscript. For the article writing process, BJVP allows the use of AI only to improve readability and language, as long as it is done under close human supervision and control to avoid inaccuracies in the final text. BJVP does not permit the use of AI-generated images and videos for publication.


Corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern

Corrections: BJVP publishes corrections to address errors in articles that impact the main content or understanding of the text without modifying the overall results and conclusions. No corrections for typographical errors or other minor issues that do not affect the main content or understanding of the text are accepted. The article to be corrected must have no concern about the integrity and reliability of the study. The correction notice will appear as a post-publication notice linked to the original article.

Rectractions: BJVP may retract an article in cases of concerns about the study’s integrity, validity, or reliability that were not resolved in our discussions with the authors. The authors or editors can ask about the retraction. Retracted articles show a notice explaining the reason(s) for the retraction. The retraction of an article publiched in BJVP does not means the journal judged the intent or individual-level responsibility for issues raised. More details may be found at COPE’s Retraction Guidelines.

Editorial Expressions of Concern: Expression of Concern is a notice issued by the editors warning that the published article may contain errors or be untrustworthy. At the editors’ discretion, the Expression of Concern may be published after finalizing the case’s follow-up or during the investigation of the issue (interim notice). More informations may be found at COPE’s Case Publication of expression of concern.


Advertising policy

BJVP does not publish advertisements or advertising articles. Editorial content is independent of any commercial or financial interests. Authors are not allowed to include names of commercial products in the title or keywords of the manuscript, except in cases that are well justified by the authors and do not represent advertising for the product.