Payment instructions

Publication charges

Publication charges outside Brazil:

  • U$ 50.00 per article (original full papers, short communications, case reports)
  • ABPV members: Free of charges, you can sign up here.
  • Pay with Paypal, credit card only:

Publication charges in Brazil:

  • R$ 120,00 por artigo (original full papers, short communications, case reports)
  • Associado ABPV: não tem custo, inscreva-se aqui.
  • Depósito na conta da ABPV no Banco do Brasil, Ag. 3559-9, CC 34121-5.
  • Pagamento com cartão de crédito através do Paypal click no botão abaixo:


Pay for your article only after approval for publication.

If for any reason you experience problems using this website, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to assist you with any problems needs that you may have.