v.13, n.1, 10 – Cholangiocarcinoma in an Australian goose

v.13, n.1, 10 – Cholangiocarcinoma in an Australian goose

v.13, n.1, 10

Case Report

Cholangiocarcinoma in an Australian goose

Thaynara P. Carvalho, Daniel O. Santos, Nayara F. Paula, Larissa G. A. Moreira, Ayisa R. Oliveira, Pâmela Aparecida Lima, Herlandes P. Tinoco, Maria Elvira L. T. Costa, Carlyle M. Coelho, Angela T. Pessanha, Renato L. Santos


Cholangiocarcinomas are neoplasms originating from the biliary epithelium. This report describes the gross, microscopic, and immunohistochemical findings in a case of cholangiocarcinoma in an Australian goose (Cereopsis novaehollandiae). The animal had cachexia and ascites. The liver and gallbladder had cystic masses that was diagnosed as a cholangiocarcinoma.

Key words: Cereopsis novaehollandiae, goose, neoplasm, hepatic tumor.

DOI: 10.24070/bjvp.1983-0246.v13i1p53-56