v.17, n.3, p.223-225, 2024
Diagnostic Exercise from The Latin Comparative Pathology Group
Acute tubular injury from oleander (Nerium oleander) toxicosis in an alpaca
Jonathan C Behlen, Clinson C Lui, Sarah White, Shannon Reed, Travis Mays, Raquel R Rech
Clinical History: A 2-year-old, male alpaca was presented to the Texas A&M Large Animal Teaching Hospital with bradycardia, arrhythmia, dehydration, severe azotemia (BUN 260 mg/dl, creatinine 14.93 mg/dl), hyperphosphatemia (13.4 mg/dl), hypermagnesemia (3.4 mg/dl), mild hypokalemia (4.0 mg/dl), leukocytosis (32,500/μl) with neutrophilia (28,600/μl), acidemia, and low body condition score. The patient was placed on supportive treatment, but due to poor prognosis, the owner elected for euthanasia.
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