v.14, n.2, 10 – Parvovirus enteritis in a raccoon (Procyon lotor)

v.14, n.2, 10 – Parvovirus enteritis in a raccoon (<em>Procyon lotor</em>)

v.14, n.2, 10

Diagnostic Exercise from The Latin Comparative Pathology Group

Parvovirus enteritis in a raccoon (Procyon lotor)

Omar Gonzales-Viera; Mark Anderson; Patricia Pesavento

Clinical History:
Two raccoons died in a pre-release rehabilitation pen in an interval of 1.5 weeks after appearing healthy. The second raccoon, a juvenile female, was submitted for postmortem examination.

Necropsy and Microscopic Findings:
In the small intestine, the subserosa is markedly hyperemic/congested (Fig. 1) with abundant watery, semi-translucid content and large amounts of tan-white mucus. The intestinal wall is thickened, and the mucosa is smooth and overlaid by thick mucus (Fig. 2). The large intestine contains moderate amounts of tan-yellow, mucoid digesta. Mesenteric lymph nodes are enlarged, the parenchyma is red and mildly protrudes on cut section.

Severe, diffuse, subacute, necrotizing, hemorrhagic, lymphohistiocytic enteritis with rare intranuclear inclusion bodies, coccoid bacteria and coccidia (Fig. 3)

Ancillary tests:
Direct electron microscopy using feces detected a few 20-22nm diameter viral particles compatible with Parvovirus virions (Fig. 4). Immunohistochemistry with a polyclonal antibody for canine parvovirus immunolabeled viral antigens in the necrotic cells of the crypt necrosis (Fig. 5).

Follow-up questions:

  • Typical microscopic findings of the disease
  • Etiological diagnosis
  • Most common blood work abnormality.
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DOI: 10.24070/bjvp.1983-0246.v14i2p137-141