v.16, n.2, p.144-147 – Lafora’s disease in a free-ranging toco toucan (Ramphastos toco) with neurologic disease

v.16, n.2, p.144-147 – Lafora’s disease in a free-ranging toco toucan  (Ramphastos toco) with neurologic disease

v.16, n.2, p.144-147, 2023

Case Report

Lafora’s disease in a free-ranging toco toucan (Ramphastos toco) with neurologic disease

Clarissa Helena Santana, Ayisa Rodrigues Oliveira, Lucas dos Reis de Souza, Thaynara Parente de Carvalho, Fernanda Mara Aragão Macedo Pereira, Laice Alves da Silva, Samantha Pinheiro Pimentel, Daniel Oliveira dos Santos, Lauro Leite Soares-Neto, Andressa Quinalia Courbilly, Jéssica Magalhães da Silva, Tatiane Alves da Paixão & Renato Lima Santos

Lafora’s disease is a genetic disease associated to mutations in genes that encodes laforin and malin, which results in intracellular polyglucan storage. The present report describes a case of Lafora’s disease in a toco toucan with episodes of incoordination and myoclonus that resulted in traumatic lesions and fracture of the left hindlimb. The bird was euthanized and submitted to necropsy. Microscopically there were abundant PAS-positive and diastasis-resistant Lafora’s inclusion bodies in neurons in the cerebellum, supporting the diagnosis of Lafora’s disease.

Key words: neurodegenerative disease, neurodegeneration, wild bird, Lafora body.


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DOI: 10.24070/bjvp.1983-0246.v16i2p144-147